Taking a BITE out of Pop Culture!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Flip of the Coin

So to continue my summer movie watching experience my hot wife and I headed to the theater to go see TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON. For the first time since going to see Jurassic Park as I stepped up the ticket gal said the showing was sold out. This was a good sign but did not discourage me in any way because SUPER 8 was playing in just 30 minutes.

I have seen a lot of talk on Twitter and the internet about how great SUPER 8 was. Whenever something is hyped that much it scares me off a bit. However within the first five minutes I was hooked. When it comes to big blockbusters you can’t get much better than Steven Speilberg and J.J. Abrams. But beyond the big explosions and the terrific creature effect lies a ton of heart and great acting by these young kids.
The next day my hot wife and I were still talking about how amazing this movie is. In fact we couldn’t stop thinking and talking about it. That has only happened with a handful of flicks ever. (Inception, Taken, The Dark Knight, City of Lost Children, Clerks).

The next weekend we got our chance to see TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON. With how terrific SUPER 8 was being the Heads side of the coin. DARK OF THE MOON was obviously the shitty Tails side of the Movie Coin.
 STRIKE ONE: The first two Transformers flicks started with a kick-butt, action packed, effects laden fight sequence. This starts with a long slow flashback to John Glenn landing on the moon for a “Top Secret” mission. STRIKE TWO: A convoluted story involving a lame character written solely to replace Megan Fox. The character was pointless (minus the usual eye candy required for bad movies) and actually does harm in the form of weakening Megatron’s character. STRIKE THREE: At almost three hours you’ll find yourself several times checking your watch hoping this last fight was the “last” fight. Sadly no just when you think it’s over there’s a couple more fights.

So if you are gonna flip that coin this summer. Please let it land on heads and don’t waste the money on a crap money grubbing piece of crap.

It’s just my two cents, spend it as you wish.

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