here to listen to the rules
Zombie VS Shark
Drinking Game Rules
Ideal to have two to three good size drinks and one shot
already poured before ep begins
1. Tony
quotes Family Guy/Futurama/American Dad
2. Tony
quotes Anchorman
3. Tony
makes a reference to his 90s hip hop knowledge
4. Tony
says “twice”
5. Tony
mentions Jaws
6. Mention
of Tony's break dancing skills
7. Tony
or Joe do a “flawless” impersonation
8. Reference
is made to the “jerk off corner”
9. Tony
or Jaye reference an obscure cartoon from their childhood
10. Tony or
Jaye lose their train of thought completely
11. Tony or
Jaye flirts with a guest
12. Jaye uses a
word that isn't a real word
13. Jaye
“subtley” mentions Tank Girl
14. Jaye makes
fun of LOTR
15. Jaye makes
fun of Florida
16. Jaye makes
fun of Frozen
17. Jaye makes
fun of James Cameron
18. Jaye
19. Anyone
makes fun of Tim Burton
20. Anyone
makes fun of Twilight
21. Anyone
makes fun of 3D
22. Doctor Who
is mentioned
23. Anything
Whedonverse is mentioned (ie Dollhouse, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible)
24. A hot wife
is introduced as being on that episode (2 sips for 2 hot wives on one episode)
25. House Of
Doodle is on that episode
26. Junior
Bruce is on that episode
27. Intern
Celeste clears her throat
28. Joe is on
an episode (Not a music episode)
29. If it's an
Audio Commentary episode the guys mention a previous Audio Commentary film
30. Joe steals
Jaye's joke
31. Jaye steals
Joe's joke
32. Intern
Celeste steals Jaye's Thunder
33. Timmy Simms
called in
34. “I think
(you/I) dated her in (high school/college)”
35. “Gone to
36. “Shit on a
37. The show is
recorded somewhere other than Plan B studio
38. Mention of
Madam Lawyer & her advice
39. Outdated
entertainment format is mentioned (ie. laserdisc, 8track, etc.)
40. The first
time Joe's Cock and it's enormous size are mentioned
41. Jaye starts
to cry
42. DJ Monkey
Spunk mentions “taboo” sexual acts (ie. blinding the marlin, etc.)
1. Jaye makes a correct sports
2. Tony makes a Broadway Musical
3. If Jaye or Tony is NOT on an
episode (not including Music Episodes)
4. When you hear the episode title
At the advisement of Madam Lawyer we at Zombie VS Shark
would like to not only remind you to drink responsibly but also like to mention
to our younger listeners that we at ZvS in NO WAY condone underage drinking. Do
NOT play this drinking game if you are below the legal drinking age limit in
your state/country. For everyone else... ENJOY!