Taking a BITE out of Pop Culture!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Help Us Help You

As you may have heard on last weeks podcast @ElihuSmails1978 (Joe) and @jayeofmanyhats (Jaye) are having a listener fueled playlist challenge.
What does this mean?
Joe and Jaye will be each creating a separate playlist based on an emotion YOU the listener suggest. We already have a few suggestions that are great but would LOVE more to pick from.
After we get a bunch of "emotions" we will give one to Joe to build his playlist and one to Jaye to build his.
Once those are done we will post them on here and on iTunes and you will let us know how well (or bad) they did.
Help make this challenge a fun and exciting one, I know Joe and Jaye are looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Some emotions in no particular order: Euphoria, pride, remorse, exasperation, passion, contempt.
