Which movie will join the ranks of the truly awful, earning themselves a spot in the ZvS Movie Jail? Check out this week's episode, We Fake It, to listen in on which movies were nominated and why they suck so bad. Finally, when the dust has settled, two movies will be sentenced to a life-long sentence, never to be discussed again. Like those films pictured here.
This week's episode is sponsored by Vikingoverlord.com web comic. Check them out every Wednesday for a new comic!

If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a LINE
at 209-225-ZVS1 (209-225-9871), email us zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can CONTACT US
on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
This week's music:
Addicted to Love - Skylar Grey
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
Tangerine - Big Head Todd & the Monsters (Encomium Led Zeppelin Tribute Album)