Zombie vs Shark reaches back into the past to bring you this week's episode, Gorgeous in its Brutality! The gang talks about some of their favorite badass movie moments. A topic that Jaye and Tony discussed way back in their second episode ever, No More Foreplay! This time, they re-hash some of those mentioned oh so long ago as well as what may have happened since. Along with Sexy Sara to join in the fun, the crew has themselves a grand old time. So tune in now and let them know what badass movie moments you think should get a mention.
Also, this week's episode is once again sponsored by Vikingoverlord.com Web-comic. Check them out and tell them ZvS sent you! Do it!
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a LINE
at 209-225-ZVS1 (209-225-9871), email us zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can CONTACT US
on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
This week's music:
If You Want Blood (You Got It) - AC/DC
Doom and Gloom - The Rolling Stones
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes