Ladies and gentlemen, Doc Brown!
Imagine that this line represents time. Here's the present, 1985, the future, and the past. Prior to this point in time, somewhere in the past the time line skewed into this tangent creating an alternate 1985. Alternate to you, me, and Einstein but reality for everyone else."
Thank you, Doc Brown. Now, let us hear from our other expert in the field of time travel...
Doctor Who? Uh, Doctor, can you explain time travel to us?
You know what, just tune in now and listen to what the non-experts have to say on the subject. If you don't enjoy the episode, you can always go back in time and stop yourself from listening to it...we think.
Finally, as a bonus, the guys wanted to add this fun and interesting video clip for the fans to ponder on. Is this a real time traveler caught on film?
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Doubleback - ZZ Top
Let's Get it Started (cover) - Craig Robinson (Hot Tub Time Machine)
God Gave Rock n' Roll to You - KISS
All music from the show is available on iTunes!