Taking a BITE out of Pop Culture!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Xmas to All and to All a Good Nite!
We here at Zombie vs Shark would like to take a moment from our time with our families and offer up to you, the fans, a very special holiday gift. Tune in now to be consumed by the holiday spirit as you follow along with the gang in Plan B Studio as they watch 'Santa Conquers the Martians!' Enjoy the show, and we will talk at you next year!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Mini-Con? Would You Like to Know More?
Surprise! Surprise! We say it twice because the boys of Zombie vs Shark are giving you, the fans, a new show during their hiatus (Surprise! #1). More importantly, they sat down with Mike Millerick to learn more about the upcoming Stockton Holiday Mini-Con; December 16 at the Spanos Center (10am-5pm...Surprise! #2). Mike offers the fans of ZvS and Con fans everywhere some insight into how the Mini-Con came about as well as what fans may find when they attend.
As always, you can find more information and updates about all things Stockton-Con or Mini-Con as well as adding your thoughts by going to Stockton-Con or to their Facebook page. Fans can also follow them on twitter. Enjoy the interview folks, and keep checking back for more stuff the guys in Plan B Studios.
Mike Millerick talks Mini-Con
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
As always, you can find more information and updates about all things Stockton-Con or Mini-Con as well as adding your thoughts by going to Stockton-Con or to their Facebook page. Fans can also follow them on twitter. Enjoy the interview folks, and keep checking back for more stuff the guys in Plan B Studios.
Mike Millerick talks Mini-Con
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Three Go In, One Comes Out...of the Closet?
Who would have thunk it, Zombie vs Shark has made it
two years and three seasons! That means it is now time for our season
finale...the VS episode numero 3! Time to see
how the guys will fair in head-to-head-to-head competition as they play
Jeopardy style trivia games hosted, as usual, by the hot wives. Will Jaye
be able to defend his title for the second season in a row? Will Tony play
Claudius to Jaye's King Hamlet? Or will the 'youngest' member with the
<ahem> lasting impact, Mr. Smith, topple the reigning champion?
Tune in now to find out and keep checking back with the guys for new
content during the upcoming holiday season. Enjoy, and thank you for the
continued fan support.
The VS Episode: The Third
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
King of the Road - Dean Martin
The King of Rock - Run DMC
The King of Bedside Manor - Barenaked Ladies
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Name is Shark, Zombie vs Shark
Looking forward to the upcoming Skyfall film? It will be the 23rd James Bond movie and the boys figured it was time to talk about what makes Ian Fleming's series so wonderful and fun. Whether you are a fan of Connery, Moore, Dalton, Brosnan, Craig or Lazenby tuning in to 'Naive Russian Beauties' will be sure to entertain. Who can forget the gadgets, the cars, the villains and of course the women! Don't forget, Skyfall will be released November 9th.
Also, listeners will not want to miss the finale, coming in two weeks! It will be time for the VS episode as the the boys go head-to-head (not in that way). Will Jaye be victorious for a third straight season? Or will Tony get the opportunity to don the crown? Find out who will be the next King of the Podcast!
Naive Russian Beauties
Also, listeners will not want to miss the finale, coming in two weeks! It will be time for the VS episode as the the boys go head-to-head (not in that way). Will Jaye be victorious for a third straight season? Or will Tony get the opportunity to don the crown? Find out who will be the next King of the Podcast!
Naive Russian Beauties
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Live and Let Die - Paul McCartney
Goldfinger - Shirley Bassey
Skyfall - Adele
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The First Rule of Zombie Survival...
The episode that everyone involved with Zombie vs Shark looks forward to all season long has finally arrived ladies and gentlemen. 'Siss, Boom, Baa' is now available for all your survival needs! Listen in as the guys discuss zombies in all their rotting, putrid, decaying fashion. Hear there answers to all your questions and start thinking of more question for next season's zombie episode...it is never too early.
Also, the boys encourage you all to continue to rank their horror movie list, available for viewing on the previous two posts, as they have extended it until their very next episode, so take a crack at it and show them what you think.
Siss, Boom, Baa
Also, the boys encourage you all to continue to rank their horror movie list, available for viewing on the previous two posts, as they have extended it until their very next episode, so take a crack at it and show them what you think.
Siss, Boom, Baa
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Macarena- Los Del Mar
I’m Too Sexy- Right Said Fred
Gangnam Style- PSY
Finally, Something to Choose From!
Below is the list of movies that we are asking you the listener to rank as our newest Top 13 Lucky-list! Simply post your list here on our website or you can email them to the show at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com and we will read them out on our upcoming James Bond episode. Even if you have not seen all of the films, feel free to rank those you have seen. We look forward to hearing you thoughts!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Last House on the Left
The Exorcist
Rosemary’s Baby
Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon
Night of the Living Dead
The Thing
A Nightmare on Elm Street
An American Werewolf in London
Creepshow 2
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Welcome to October!
This episode 'Alcohol & Candy' welcomes listeners to Zombie vs Shark's favorite month and with that a new twist on a 13 Lucky-list! Download and listen in, then help out the gang. As they compile a list of horror films and ask you, the listener, to rank'em. They want to hear from you all, so please chime in. Leave a post here on the website, post a comment on Facebook tweet it in or good old fashioned email (zombievs.shark@yahoo.com). Enjoy, you have some tough decisions ahead!
Alcohol & Candy
Alcohol & Candy
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Last House on the Left
The Exorcist
Rosemary’s Baby
Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon
Night of the Living Dead
The Thing
A Nightmare on Elm Street
An American Werewolf in London
Creepshow 2
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Invisible Man - Mark Aaron James
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Friday, September 21, 2012
It's Good to Be the King!
What is it that lurks in the dark that gives you the creeps? Do you ever notice an eerie silence that fills a small town? Does a heavy mist freak you out? Ever had a number one fan? Was high school a little difficult for you? What was your first car like? Do you have a fear of clowns?
Tune in to 'They All Float Down Here' to learn that many of your fears may have come from one source, the great author Stephen King! Listen in as the guys (yes, even Joe makes an appearance) talk about many of King's popular works, including those that go beyond the horror/thriller genre. Ask yourself if it is time to pick up some of these classics and re-read them or discover them for a first time. The only thing that you can be assured of, is that you will not look at a car, sewer grate, dog, inn or antique shop the same way again.
They All Float Down Here
Tune in to 'They All Float Down Here' to learn that many of your fears may have come from one source, the great author Stephen King! Listen in as the guys (yes, even Joe makes an appearance) talk about many of King's popular works, including those that go beyond the horror/thriller genre. Ask yourself if it is time to pick up some of these classics and re-read them or discover them for a first time. The only thing that you can be assured of, is that you will not look at a car, sewer grate, dog, inn or antique shop the same way again.
They All Float Down Here
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
This Woman’s Work - Kate Bush
Hellacious Acres- Kris Kristofferson
One Track Lover- Todd Rivers (Matt Berry)
Friday, September 14, 2012
On the Mic with Mike
Zombie vs Shark had the good fortune to sit down once again with Stockton-Con founder Mike Millerick and get his thoughts on how the inaugural event as well as some insight into the second Stockton-Con (scheduled for August 4, 2013). As usual Mike was more than willing to share with the boys and ZvS fans as well as providing some breaking news regarding the next event. Will Ironman be there?
We also caught up to him on the day they presented a check to the United Way from the contributions from the Stockton community, an all around successful event and positive influence. So download, geek out and mark your calendars now!
Mike Millerick Interview #2
We also caught up to him on the day they presented a check to the United Way from the contributions from the Stockton community, an all around successful event and positive influence. So download, geek out and mark your calendars now!
Mike Millerick Interview #2
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Friday, September 7, 2012
The Following Preview is Intended for All Audiences
How do you decide which movies you want to go see and which ones to avoid? There are many ways to come to a decision: word of mouth, critics picks, award nominees/winners, which ever ones your friends want to see. This episode 'Don't Judge Me' the boys look at how the studio tries to get butts in the seats! Be it trailer, poster or tagline...listen in on some of the films that sucked in your hosts over the years and which ones may have fallen flat.
Unfortunately, like the last episode, the boys will be missing the man (if you don't count height), the myth (a lot of rumors swirl around Plan B), the legend (in his own head) Joe Smith...but unlike last time, Jaye and Tony go at it alone and for the first time in a long time the two banter back and forth like in the days gone by. So quit reading this already and download the newest episode now to fall into the scintillating conversation that awaits.
Don't Judge Me
Unfortunately, like the last episode, the boys will be missing the man (if you don't count height), the myth (a lot of rumors swirl around Plan B), the legend (in his own head) Joe Smith...but unlike last time, Jaye and Tony go at it alone and for the first time in a long time the two banter back and forth like in the days gone by. So quit reading this already and download the newest episode now to fall into the scintillating conversation that awaits.
Don't Judge Me
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Every Cuss Word We Know - Stuckey & Murray
Come What May - Ewan MacGregoer
In The Movies - Alien Ant Farm
Friday, August 24, 2012
How Was Your 2012 Movie Going Experience?
Boo! Boooo! That was the
worst thing I’ve ever heard! It was terrible! Horrendous!
Well it wasn’t that bad. Oh, yeah? Well, there were parts of
it I liked! Well, I liked alot of it. Yeah, it was good actually.
It was great! It was wonderful! Yeah, bravo! More! More! More! More!
How many films did you see this year that made you feel like
THAT? Well then download 'Odd and Flawed' right now to hear the Zombie vs
Shark opinion from the balcony...enjoy!
Odd and Flawed
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Hold On - Wilson Phillips
Relax - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
So What - P!nk
Friday, August 17, 2012
Stockton-Khaaaaaaan! 2012
Here it is, we are soooo excited to be bringing a different look, a different perspective of the first ever Stockton-Con! Especially for those of you who could not attend, tune in now to hear what it was like to be a part of the throngs of people that filled into the Spanos Center at the University of the Pacific. Also, don't be too upset for missing the event, because the second Stockton-Con has already been announced for August 4, 2013.
Below you will find a list of the wonderful artists we got to talk to and if you click on their name you will be sent to where you can view their artwork for yourself and hopefully buy some of the amazing images laid out before you.
*Disclaimer: We apologize for this episode's sound quality. Tony was in Plan B Studio while Jaye and Joe conference called in and well...you know how the news goes to a reporter 'on location' and their is a delay or drop in image and audio quality? Well yeah, that kinda happened here. Also, when listening to the interviews, remember their was over 4000 people at a live event, so again we apologize in advance. However, if anyone wants to donate to upgrade some of our equipment, feel free to email us for information on how to do that: zombievs.shark@yahoo.com
Stockton-Khaaaaaaan! 2012
The very first person in line at the Stockton-Con - Clayton Forrest
Also in line, we found Deadpool cosplayer
Ramon Villalobos
The Amazing Fist: Matt Farnsworth - pencils...Frank Stone - inks & letters...Adam Messinger (@adamsmessinger) - writer
Melissa Barreiro - took 3rd place in the art contest
Snuggle This
Kathy Garver - The voice of 'Firestar'
Stan153 - Graffiti Artist
Junior Bruce (@ThatJuniorBruce) - also check out his podcast The Junior & Leo Show
Morrie Turner - Guest of Honor at the inaugural Stockton-Con & creator of Wee Pals
MADLAB films - Shawn Carrington & Robert Lucchesi: a teacher of film making and theater arts for adults with special needs.
Timothy Green - Comic book illustrator
Melissa Pagluica
David R. Vallejo
Abel Coronado
SAL & Betsy Luntao
Marcus Collar - CCCP Comics
Nicholas Hill & his mother (don't argue)
John Thomason
BB Wold & The 3 LPs - JD Arnold - author...Rich Koslowski - illustrator
Brady Sullivan & John Del Arroz - Back Row Comics
Jake Thomas - Lazy Bones Studios
Nathan Watson - Illustrator...Concept Artist...Geek
Mike Millerick - founder of the Stockton-Con
Below you will find a list of the wonderful artists we got to talk to and if you click on their name you will be sent to where you can view their artwork for yourself and hopefully buy some of the amazing images laid out before you.
*Disclaimer: We apologize for this episode's sound quality. Tony was in Plan B Studio while Jaye and Joe conference called in and well...you know how the news goes to a reporter 'on location' and their is a delay or drop in image and audio quality? Well yeah, that kinda happened here. Also, when listening to the interviews, remember their was over 4000 people at a live event, so again we apologize in advance. However, if anyone wants to donate to upgrade some of our equipment, feel free to email us for information on how to do that: zombievs.shark@yahoo.com
Stockton-Khaaaaaaan! 2012
The very first person in line at the Stockton-Con - Clayton Forrest
Also in line, we found Deadpool cosplayer
Ramon Villalobos
The Amazing Fist: Matt Farnsworth - pencils...Frank Stone - inks & letters...Adam Messinger (@adamsmessinger) - writer
Melissa Barreiro - took 3rd place in the art contest
Snuggle This
Kathy Garver - The voice of 'Firestar'
Stan153 - Graffiti Artist
Junior Bruce (@ThatJuniorBruce) - also check out his podcast The Junior & Leo Show
Morrie Turner - Guest of Honor at the inaugural Stockton-Con & creator of Wee Pals
MADLAB films - Shawn Carrington & Robert Lucchesi: a teacher of film making and theater arts for adults with special needs.
Timothy Green - Comic book illustrator
Melissa Pagluica
David R. Vallejo
Abel Coronado
SAL & Betsy Luntao
Marcus Collar - CCCP Comics
Nicholas Hill & his mother (don't argue)
John Thomason
BB Wold & The 3 LPs - JD Arnold - author...Rich Koslowski - illustrator
Brady Sullivan & John Del Arroz - Back Row Comics
Jake Thomas - Lazy Bones Studios
Nathan Watson - Illustrator...Concept Artist...Geek
Mike Millerick - founder of the Stockton-Con
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Where No Man Has Gone Before - Alexander Courage (Star Trek original series theme)
Watch the World Burn - Hans Zimmer (The Dark Knight soundtrack)
Watch the World Burn - Hans Zimmer (The Dark Knight soundtrack)
Friday, August 10, 2012
A Voice of a Decade
It has been three years since the passing of John Hughes, the creative mind behind such amazing films as Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Pretty in Pink, Mr. Mom, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, etc. As we pass the anniversary of his death, we here at Zombie vs Shark wished to pay tribute to a man's that has touched us all through the film's he made.
Download 'A Harsh Truth' to hear some of the films that we connected with and how they brought teen life into a perspective that was not typically shown. Listen in and join the crew as they laugh, they cry, they make inappropriate jokes...then sit down and watch your favorite John Hughes film.
A Harsh Truth
Download 'A Harsh Truth' to hear some of the films that we connected with and how they brought teen life into a perspective that was not typically shown. Listen in and join the crew as they laugh, they cry, they make inappropriate jokes...then sit down and watch your favorite John Hughes film.
A Harsh Truth
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Don’t You (Forget About Me)- Simple Minds
Holiday Road- Lindsey Buckingham
Pretty In Pink- Psychedelic Furs
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Second Verse, Same as the First!
They say there are only 7 original ideas in the world, if that is true than the concept of remakes, reboots and re-imagining should come as no surprise to any of us. However we continue to have lengthy debates over what is, should and should never be put 'back' up onto the big screen. Tune in to 'Just Like Sleepaway Camp' to here the thoughts of our crew as they discuss some of the their choices for the good, the bad, the ugly and the deserving in what is quickly becoming its own genre it seems.
Just Like Sleepaway Camp
Just Like Sleepaway Camp
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Mrs. Robinson - The Lemonheads
Hit Me Baby One More Time - Bowling for Soup
Working in a Coal Mine - Devo
Friday, July 20, 2012
Stockton's Very First Comic-Con

Download the interview now or listening to it right now by clicking the link below. Also check out the website for more information about the festivities by going to Stockton-Con!
So start planning your costume now and get your tickets from one of the many vendor locations listed on the Stockton-con website.
This week's music:
Spiderman Theme - The Ramones
Friday, July 13, 2012
The One Hit Oneders
What happens when you have a music episode that includes more people than Jaye and Joe...download 'Ground Control to Zvs' right now to find out. When the hosts of ZvS walked into Plan B Studios to discuss their thoughts of the music of the 90s, something strange happened. It was as though some other...force, made its way into the studio as well. Some indescribable presence, an odd feeling of fear and comfort, a sense that they were not alone. Tune in now to hear this power's influence.
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
Unbelievable - EMF
Gin and Juice - Snoop Doggy Dogg
All music from the show is available on iTunes - http://www.apple.com/itunes/?cid=OAS-US-DOMAINS-itunes.com
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Let's all go to the lobby...
So how has your summer movie going experience been?
Mine has been full of enjoyment and that may surprise some people when they find out what I've seen.
Okay okay so April wasn't really part of the "summer" but it is the film that kicked off a slough of blockbuster fun for me. I don't want to spoiler the surprsies in this film so I have to be very careful how I word things. I heard some folks didn't enjoy this film, but I think that's because they honestly didn't know what they were going into. Some previews said "the greatest horror film of our lifetime" well that was just bad marketing. This film is witty, fun, intelligent and so well done it is still one of the best films of 2012. Solid direction, great writing, wonderful acting and a concept that simply blew me away. Is it a horror film? In parts, yes. But that's not all, and if you were expecting a straight forward film when Joss Whedon is involved then you really don't know Joss Whedon's work. If you missed this flick in the theaters then sadly you will have to wait until Spetember when it gets it's DVD/Blu-Ray release, I'll see you the day it's released while I'm picking up my copy.
I give it 5 out of 5 shots.
I enjoyed this flick so much I saw it in the theater twice, I feat I rarely do anymore. Talk about big blockbuster fun, The Avengers had it. I have gone on record as saying some of the lead up films to Avengers were not my cup of tea. The more I've seen Thor the more I've enjoyed it. The more I've seen Captain America however the less I've enjoyed it, which is saying something because I really didn't like it the first time. But with Joss Whedon at the helm The Avengers made up for it. Lots of humor and some great superhero action. But far and away The Hulk made the film. The best action scenes belonged to the Hulk. The funniest moments belonged to the Hulk. The Hulk (you know, the other guy) owned this flick. Hawkeye was kinda worthless, Black Widow gave it some sex appeal but I would've rather seen The Wasp in the movie. Iron Man was Iron Man, enough said. And the performance of Clark Gregg (Agent Colson) and Cobie Smulders (Agent Maria Hill) were wonderful. All in all though if you took The Hulk out of the film it would've been a disappointment for me. And the set-up for the sequel made me excited but the post credit scene cracked me up.
I give it 4 out of 5 shots.
I really don't understand all the hatred of this film. I really did love it. Let's call it what it is though, it is a prequel to the ALIEN franchise. Ridley Scott doing what Ridley Scott does best, make a nice thrilling Sci-Fi epic. I heard some folks "poo-poo" on the slow paced Drama aspects of this flick, did these folks not see the first ALIEN? It is slow and dramatic. I felt Prometheus gave a good backstory to a series you already knew and loved. I think people's expectations for this were through the roof so much so that nothing would've met the expectations. With the exception of Noomi Repace (the lead, Elizabeth Shaw) the rest of the cast was full of talented actors. I say "with the exception" because she was the weak link in this cast by far, the only other film I saw her in ever was Sherlock Homes: Game of Shadows and I thought she was god awful in that dreadful movie. I did not buy her as a strong character and was kinda rooting for her death. Michael Fassbender (David) and Charlize Theron (Vickers) were both wonderful. The effects were just gorgeous. And I liked the story, sure there were plotholes but I dare you to find a film nowadays that is completely free of those.
I give it 3 out of 5 shots.
Another film so many people seemed to have disliked. I don't understand why. The Men In Black films have been wonderful action/comedy/sci-fi matinee flicks that feel like some 1960s drive-in fare that grew up a bit. I love time travel stories anyway simply because I like to see how the tricky time-space continuum is dealt with. Will Smith did great, Tommy Lee Jones always gives a solid performance but of course the one thing it seems everyone agrees on is Josh Brolin's outstanding turn as the young K. Talk about walking a fine line between building a character on your own AND doing a flawless impersonation of an iconic actor, Brolin impressed the hell out of me. Sure the aspect of "oh you guys didn't know this has gone on since the beginning" thing was annoying, but not enough so to make me enjoy this flick any less.
I give it 3 & 1/2 shots out of 5.
Let me start by saying I love Timur Bekmambetov's direction in all of his movies so far, I may not have loved his movies but I recognize how talented he is as a director. My hatred for Tim Burton aside, I have said many times he needs to quit directing and just produce films, and this proves it. Visually it is awesome. Story wise there were many "seriously guy?" moments, a little too many. I wish every filmmaker would see this movie if anything to just learn that too much slow motion does nothing for the action, it bores the audience as it did in this. The acting was well done, I would've loved to see more Alan Tudyk screen time however. You can't really go wrong with Rufus Sewell playing a villain. It just seemed to fall just short of the movie it was meant to be. I had a lot of fun watching this flick, but it could've been a little more...just more.
I give it 2 & 3/4 shots out of 5.
This is going to be very hard for me to say because Monster's Inc has been my favorite Pixar flick since it came out (although both The Incredibles and Wall-E did give it a run for it's money), that being said BRAVE is the best Pixar film so far. Visually it is the most awe-inspiring, breath-taking beautiful film they've done. Story wise it has the strongest characters seen in an animated flick since the first Shrek. And finally it has a strong female character that has been lacking in the "Princess" movies. Unlike the other Disney Princesses Merida does not simply sing and wait around for a guy to come along. She is a rough and tumble girl. I love her wild untamed red hair because it shows that awkward stage all teenagers are in. Does it have humor? It has Billy Connolly as Merida's father Fergus and that right there gives you all the comedy you should need, but add in the triplets as wonderful mischief makers and Robbie Coltrane as Lord Dingwall and you will be snorting soda out your nose in parts. Does it have heart? The closing scene had me tearing up. So many of us go through that teenage rough patch with our parents and it's great to see an honest portrayal of that on screen. Add in a gorgeous score and amazing soundtrack and you can't go wrong.
I give it 5 shots out of 5.
I wasn't sold on a reboot this soon after the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie. The first Raimi flick was okay, the second was wonderful but it was overshadowed by just how bad the third installment was. So I did think it was a good idea to stop with the Sam Raimi Spider-Man franchise (especially because Tobey Maguire isn't the strongest of actors, and by that I mean he's not a good actor, and by that I mean he's just plain weak). But to restart, especially with telling the origin story again I went on record saying it was a bad idea. Boy was I wrong. First off you have to applaud the decision of casting Andrew Garfield, he was for lack of a better term, AMAZING. He plays the awkward teenage to perfection primarily when lashing out at his Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) with anger due to losing his parents or when flirting with his first love Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). The visuals in this are outstanding right down to a straight off the comic pages suit designed by Cirque Du Soleil and the brilliant decision by director Mark Webb to not rely solely on CG action sequences (the major weak point for my in the Raimi flicks). This is a Spider-man that Spider-man fans have been deserving. Add in solid performances by Sally Field and Dennis Leary, the best Stan Lee cameo ever and an exciting score by James Horner and you've got a winning combo.
I give it 4 & 1/2 shots out of 5.
SO there ya have it...
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter < Prometheus < Men In Black 3 < The Avengers < The Amazing Spider-man < The Cabin In The Woods = Brave
There's the break down of my Summer movie going so far, of course this is BB (before Batman) and once The Dark Knight Rises drops later this month all bets are off.
Again, this is all just my 2 cents...spend it as you see fit.
Mine has been full of enjoyment and that may surprise some people when they find out what I've seen.
Okay okay so April wasn't really part of the "summer" but it is the film that kicked off a slough of blockbuster fun for me. I don't want to spoiler the surprsies in this film so I have to be very careful how I word things. I heard some folks didn't enjoy this film, but I think that's because they honestly didn't know what they were going into. Some previews said "the greatest horror film of our lifetime" well that was just bad marketing. This film is witty, fun, intelligent and so well done it is still one of the best films of 2012. Solid direction, great writing, wonderful acting and a concept that simply blew me away. Is it a horror film? In parts, yes. But that's not all, and if you were expecting a straight forward film when Joss Whedon is involved then you really don't know Joss Whedon's work. If you missed this flick in the theaters then sadly you will have to wait until Spetember when it gets it's DVD/Blu-Ray release, I'll see you the day it's released while I'm picking up my copy.
I give it 5 out of 5 shots.
I enjoyed this flick so much I saw it in the theater twice, I feat I rarely do anymore. Talk about big blockbuster fun, The Avengers had it. I have gone on record as saying some of the lead up films to Avengers were not my cup of tea. The more I've seen Thor the more I've enjoyed it. The more I've seen Captain America however the less I've enjoyed it, which is saying something because I really didn't like it the first time. But with Joss Whedon at the helm The Avengers made up for it. Lots of humor and some great superhero action. But far and away The Hulk made the film. The best action scenes belonged to the Hulk. The funniest moments belonged to the Hulk. The Hulk (you know, the other guy) owned this flick. Hawkeye was kinda worthless, Black Widow gave it some sex appeal but I would've rather seen The Wasp in the movie. Iron Man was Iron Man, enough said. And the performance of Clark Gregg (Agent Colson) and Cobie Smulders (Agent Maria Hill) were wonderful. All in all though if you took The Hulk out of the film it would've been a disappointment for me. And the set-up for the sequel made me excited but the post credit scene cracked me up.
I give it 4 out of 5 shots.
I really don't understand all the hatred of this film. I really did love it. Let's call it what it is though, it is a prequel to the ALIEN franchise. Ridley Scott doing what Ridley Scott does best, make a nice thrilling Sci-Fi epic. I heard some folks "poo-poo" on the slow paced Drama aspects of this flick, did these folks not see the first ALIEN? It is slow and dramatic. I felt Prometheus gave a good backstory to a series you already knew and loved. I think people's expectations for this were through the roof so much so that nothing would've met the expectations. With the exception of Noomi Repace (the lead, Elizabeth Shaw) the rest of the cast was full of talented actors. I say "with the exception" because she was the weak link in this cast by far, the only other film I saw her in ever was Sherlock Homes: Game of Shadows and I thought she was god awful in that dreadful movie. I did not buy her as a strong character and was kinda rooting for her death. Michael Fassbender (David) and Charlize Theron (Vickers) were both wonderful. The effects were just gorgeous. And I liked the story, sure there were plotholes but I dare you to find a film nowadays that is completely free of those.
I give it 3 out of 5 shots.
Another film so many people seemed to have disliked. I don't understand why. The Men In Black films have been wonderful action/comedy/sci-fi matinee flicks that feel like some 1960s drive-in fare that grew up a bit. I love time travel stories anyway simply because I like to see how the tricky time-space continuum is dealt with. Will Smith did great, Tommy Lee Jones always gives a solid performance but of course the one thing it seems everyone agrees on is Josh Brolin's outstanding turn as the young K. Talk about walking a fine line between building a character on your own AND doing a flawless impersonation of an iconic actor, Brolin impressed the hell out of me. Sure the aspect of "oh you guys didn't know this has gone on since the beginning" thing was annoying, but not enough so to make me enjoy this flick any less.
I give it 3 & 1/2 shots out of 5.
Let me start by saying I love Timur Bekmambetov's direction in all of his movies so far, I may not have loved his movies but I recognize how talented he is as a director. My hatred for Tim Burton aside, I have said many times he needs to quit directing and just produce films, and this proves it. Visually it is awesome. Story wise there were many "seriously guy?" moments, a little too many. I wish every filmmaker would see this movie if anything to just learn that too much slow motion does nothing for the action, it bores the audience as it did in this. The acting was well done, I would've loved to see more Alan Tudyk screen time however. You can't really go wrong with Rufus Sewell playing a villain. It just seemed to fall just short of the movie it was meant to be. I had a lot of fun watching this flick, but it could've been a little more...just more.
I give it 2 & 3/4 shots out of 5.
This is going to be very hard for me to say because Monster's Inc has been my favorite Pixar flick since it came out (although both The Incredibles and Wall-E did give it a run for it's money), that being said BRAVE is the best Pixar film so far. Visually it is the most awe-inspiring, breath-taking beautiful film they've done. Story wise it has the strongest characters seen in an animated flick since the first Shrek. And finally it has a strong female character that has been lacking in the "Princess" movies. Unlike the other Disney Princesses Merida does not simply sing and wait around for a guy to come along. She is a rough and tumble girl. I love her wild untamed red hair because it shows that awkward stage all teenagers are in. Does it have humor? It has Billy Connolly as Merida's father Fergus and that right there gives you all the comedy you should need, but add in the triplets as wonderful mischief makers and Robbie Coltrane as Lord Dingwall and you will be snorting soda out your nose in parts. Does it have heart? The closing scene had me tearing up. So many of us go through that teenage rough patch with our parents and it's great to see an honest portrayal of that on screen. Add in a gorgeous score and amazing soundtrack and you can't go wrong.
I give it 5 shots out of 5.
I wasn't sold on a reboot this soon after the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie. The first Raimi flick was okay, the second was wonderful but it was overshadowed by just how bad the third installment was. So I did think it was a good idea to stop with the Sam Raimi Spider-Man franchise (especially because Tobey Maguire isn't the strongest of actors, and by that I mean he's not a good actor, and by that I mean he's just plain weak). But to restart, especially with telling the origin story again I went on record saying it was a bad idea. Boy was I wrong. First off you have to applaud the decision of casting Andrew Garfield, he was for lack of a better term, AMAZING. He plays the awkward teenage to perfection primarily when lashing out at his Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) with anger due to losing his parents or when flirting with his first love Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). The visuals in this are outstanding right down to a straight off the comic pages suit designed by Cirque Du Soleil and the brilliant decision by director Mark Webb to not rely solely on CG action sequences (the major weak point for my in the Raimi flicks). This is a Spider-man that Spider-man fans have been deserving. Add in solid performances by Sally Field and Dennis Leary, the best Stan Lee cameo ever and an exciting score by James Horner and you've got a winning combo.
I give it 4 & 1/2 shots out of 5.
SO there ya have it...
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter < Prometheus < Men In Black 3 < The Avengers < The Amazing Spider-man < The Cabin In The Woods = Brave
There's the break down of my Summer movie going so far, of course this is BB (before Batman) and once The Dark Knight Rises drops later this month all bets are off.
Again, this is all just my 2 cents...spend it as you see fit.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Pixar is not the Only Game in Town
Sure, we all know Woody and Buzz, Lightning McQueen, Nemo and Wall-E, Ellie, Flik and Mr. Incredible! But we cannot forget the others, yes the others. Metro Man, Horton, Gru, Melman, Manfred and of course Donkey and Shrek!
While Pixar seems to dominated the CGI world, we have many favorites that have worked there way into our hearts. Who knows, perhaps there are some people out there that think all of them are from Pixar. So this week we bring you 'That's the Dyslexia Again' in order to shed some light on some of the studios producing great films.
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Despicable Me - Pharrell Williams
My Beloved Monster - Eels
I Like to Move It, Move It - Reel 2 Real featuring Mad Stuntman
All music from the show is available on iTunes - http://www.apple.com/itunes/?cid=OAS-US-DOMAINS-itunes.com
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
You ruin everything...in the nicest way.
On June 20th my hot wife @OhTallOneKSV and myself went to The Great American Music Hall in beautiful (and slightly urine smelling) San Francisco to see Jonathan Coulton live in concert for the second time (third for me).
Let me go back...
In January of 2011 @OhTallOneKSV , Tony's hot wife @caminogirl13 , @yaggles23 himself and I all went to The Great American Music Hall in SF to see Jonathan Coulton with special guests Paul & Storm.
If you are a fan of wishlister Jonathan Coulton's music (and we are) then that concert was hard to top. Acoustic gold. Pure heartfelt whimsy and we enjoyed every second of it.
So of course since we are such fans of his acoustic soulful music I was a little worried that this tour (to promote his new album Artificial Heart) was straying away from his acoustic stuff and venturing into a world with a full band (the Jonathan Coulton Orchestra) backing him.
I love Paul & Storm and was a little sad to hear they weren't opening for him but not a few seconds after John Roderick (lead singing of The Long Winters) took the stage I was reminded that new things can be great. John Roderick has an amazing voice and some poetic lyrics that reminded me of 90s Oasis.
Then came the man JoCo himself. Whatever trepidation I had towards the full band experience was erased quickly. The drummer and bass player rocked and Mr. Coulton transferred his skill with acoustic style easily to the faster electric sound. Think back to when Bob Dylan made that same transition, yes I know that's a HUGE comparison to make but when you prove your genius and talent in one style and build a fan base with that style it can be scary to switch over.
The electric guitar blaring, the drums thumping and the bass pumping breathed a new life into music that was already amazing. I Feel Fantastic went from a witty fun jump around and sing a long track to something that honestly felt a lot like a late 1970s punk song. Of course the tried and true acoustic stuff was there too. I Crush Everything tugged at everyone's heartstrings and made me tear up a little.
stuff he played off the new album Artificial Heart (of which I bought the
"Outdated Format Version" aka Vinyl) was all great. Stand out had to
be Je Suis Rick Springfield, the story of a guy in France trying to convince
two women who don't speak english that he is Rick Springfield all the while
trying to remind them WHO Rick Springfield is, all with very limited french
skills. Je Suis Rick Springfield led perfectly into a cover of Jesse's Girl
which rocked.
Coulton's storytelling between songs is well polished and fun, with plenty of
room for riffing between band members (Spock from Star Trek had a PhD in child
development, betcha didn't know that). And they blew the house away with an
outstanding version of Feel Like Making Love with John Roderick just rocking
the house on lead guitar.
you @jonathancoulton for having the guts to venture out. This is definitely a
concert not to miss. Videos to come shortly, I promise.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Pull up a chair, sit a while...
What happens when you sit two natural born storytellers down in front of live microphones?
Well you get possibly the longest podcast episode Zombie vs Shark has ever released. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Listen as Joe & Jaye share their own life stories.
If you follow @elihusmails1978 or @jayeofmanyhats on Twitter for the last couple weeks, you may have seen them mention this episode once or twice. That could be because of how personal these stories are, through good times & bad times they hold nothing back finding the best songs to address the emotions associated with each and every moment.
Expect some tears, some laughs, and the chance to learn more about Joe Smith & Jaye Vocque than you ever thought possible.
'Everybody Has A Story" so why not share yours?
Please write in sharing one moment from your life story and the song you tie to that time.
As with all the music episode here are the playlists from this episode (including some hidden tracks not discussed on the episode (You didn't want us to go to 4 hours, did ya?)
1. BIRTHDAY- The Beatles
2. OVER THE RAINBOW- Isreal Kamakawiwo'ole
3. CRAZY TRAIN- Ozzy Osborne
4. SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL- Bill Haley
9. THIS IS IT- Kenny Loggins
10. FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE- Bright Eyes
12. BAD BOYS- Inner Circel
13. THE GENERAL- Dispatch (hidden track, not discussed on episode)
14. SIMPLE MAN- Lynyrd Skynyrd
15. FUCK YOU- Cee Lo Green
16. DREAM ON- Aerosmith
PUPPET TEARS (Jaye's Life Soundtrack)
4. HELTER SKELTER- The Beatles
5. SOMETHING I CAN NEVER HAVE- Nine Inch Nails (hidden track, not discussed on episode)
7. I'M COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS- Squirrel Nut Zippers
8. A WINK AND A SMILE- Harry Connick Jr.
9. ROAD MOVIE TO BERLIN- They Might Be Giants
10. 'BOUT TIME- Louis Armstrong
12. CAN I SLEEP IN YOUR ARMS- Willie Nelson & Lukas Nelson
13. I FEEL FANTASTIC- Jonathon Coulton
14. RIDING WITH THE KING- B.B. King & Eric Clapton
15. AT THE ZOO- Simon & Garfunkel
16. SOMEDAY- No More Kings
Usually we don't have a Wishlister on our music episodes, however since 3 songs on the playlists were written by the same man we had to make an exception and add PAUL SIMON to the official Zombie vs Shark Wishlist.
Well you get possibly the longest podcast episode Zombie vs Shark has ever released. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Listen as Joe & Jaye share their own life stories.
If you follow @elihusmails1978 or @jayeofmanyhats on Twitter for the last couple weeks, you may have seen them mention this episode once or twice. That could be because of how personal these stories are, through good times & bad times they hold nothing back finding the best songs to address the emotions associated with each and every moment.
Expect some tears, some laughs, and the chance to learn more about Joe Smith & Jaye Vocque than you ever thought possible.
'Everybody Has A Story" so why not share yours?
Please write in sharing one moment from your life story and the song you tie to that time.
As with all the music episode here are the playlists from this episode (including some hidden tracks not discussed on the episode (You didn't want us to go to 4 hours, did ya?)
1. BIRTHDAY- The Beatles
2. OVER THE RAINBOW- Isreal Kamakawiwo'ole
3. CRAZY TRAIN- Ozzy Osborne
4. SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL- Bill Haley
9. THIS IS IT- Kenny Loggins
10. FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE- Bright Eyes
12. BAD BOYS- Inner Circel
13. THE GENERAL- Dispatch (hidden track, not discussed on episode)
14. SIMPLE MAN- Lynyrd Skynyrd
15. FUCK YOU- Cee Lo Green
16. DREAM ON- Aerosmith
PUPPET TEARS (Jaye's Life Soundtrack)
4. HELTER SKELTER- The Beatles
5. SOMETHING I CAN NEVER HAVE- Nine Inch Nails (hidden track, not discussed on episode)
7. I'M COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS- Squirrel Nut Zippers
8. A WINK AND A SMILE- Harry Connick Jr.
9. ROAD MOVIE TO BERLIN- They Might Be Giants
10. 'BOUT TIME- Louis Armstrong
12. CAN I SLEEP IN YOUR ARMS- Willie Nelson & Lukas Nelson
13. I FEEL FANTASTIC- Jonathon Coulton
14. RIDING WITH THE KING- B.B. King & Eric Clapton
15. AT THE ZOO- Simon & Garfunkel
16. SOMEDAY- No More Kings
Usually we don't have a Wishlister on our music episodes, however since 3 songs on the playlists were written by the same man we had to make an exception and add PAUL SIMON to the official Zombie vs Shark Wishlist.
Friday, June 15, 2012
She Packed My Bags...
Do we have the all around entertainer in show business today? Singer, actor, dancer, make'em laugh, make'em cry...someone that can just do it all? Who has made that transition from chart topper to blockbuster, from 'best actor' to Grammy winner? Tune in to 'Triple Threats' to hear about some of our favorite entertainers that we believe did it the right way. As well as those who did it the not-so-right-way.
Don't forget to check out some of our special episodes, such as our recent The Human Centipede 2 audio commentary release and the upcoming special musical episode! Until then, enjoy today's offering.
All music from the show is available on iTunes - http://www.apple.com/itunes/?cid=OAS-US-DOMAINS-itunes.com
Don't forget to check out some of our special episodes, such as our recent The Human Centipede 2 audio commentary release and the upcoming special musical episode! Until then, enjoy today's offering.
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
This week's music:
Common People - William Shatner
Respect Yourself - Bruce Willis (Bruno)
Falling Down - Scarlett Johansson & David Bowie
All music from the show is available on iTunes - http://www.apple.com/itunes/?cid=OAS-US-DOMAINS-itunes.com
Friday, June 8, 2012
Not Much We Can Say
We here at Zombie vs Shark don't always put out the most intellectual pieces of entertainment, not always the funniest either...but we do strive to entertain! However, even we found it difficult to put a positive spin on our most recent audio commentary track. This film is truly, truly, truly awful and most definitely should not have been made! It probably should never have even been conceived, but alas here we are anyway.
Keep in mind that this film is only part two of a trilogy and since we have recorded commentaries for the first two...well you know what they say 'in for a penny, in for a pound.' So we hope you enjoy the commentary, we will understand if you choose not to watch the film though. Enjoy The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence).
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
Keep in mind that this film is only part two of a trilogy and since we have recorded commentaries for the first two...well you know what they say 'in for a penny, in for a pound.' So we hope you enjoy the commentary, we will understand if you choose not to watch the film though. Enjoy The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence).
If you would like to get involved in this discussion or any others that we have had or will have, drop us a line at zombievs.shark@yahoo.com or you can contact us on Twitter @ZombievsShark. For a real adventure you can also follow each host of the show Elynnes (@ElynnesParx), Joe (@ElihuSmails1978), Jaye (@jayeofmanyhats) and Tony (@yaggles23). Hope to hear from you all!
Stay classy and thanks for stopping by!
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